Parameters ยป

In the Parameters Node, you may add bounds on the Mass Action kinetic parameters: PreExponential Factors, Activation Energy and Orders. Bounds for LHHW Site parameters can also be defined when one or more Sites defined in the Chemistry → Kinetics → Parameters are assigned to reactions in the Chemistry → Kinetics → Kinetics Sites node. You may also set bounds for the stoichiometric coefficients if this feature was enabled in the Estimation node. Bounds on the reaction rates can also be entered here.

Tabbed Views


Tabbed Views

Mass Action

LHHW Sites


Rate Bounds

Mass Action

For Mass Action Reactions, the information entered in this tab describes all their kinetics. For LHHW Reactions, the information entered here is for the numerator of the LHHW Kinetics.

Grid Views

Reaction Parameters - Initial Estimates [Rate Units]

Reaction Name Orders

Reaction Parameters - Initial Estimates [Rate Units]

This grid displays the list of Reactions and the values of their kinetic parameters. The grid is organized in columns as explained below:
  • The Reaction column displays the list of reactions of the Project.
  • The PreExponential Min column is used to enter a minimum value for the PreExponential.
  • The PreExponential column is used to enter the initial estimate of the PreExponential value. By default, the initial values are the same as those entered in the Parameters in the Chemistry Node.
  • The PreExponential Max column is used to enter a maximum value for the PreExponential.
  • The Activation Min column is used to enter a minimum value for the Activation Energy.
  • The Activation Energy column is used to enter the initial estimate of the Activation Energy. By default, the initial values are the same as those entered in the Parameters in the Chemistry Node.
  • The Activation Max column is used to enter a maximum value for the Activation Energy.

Reaction Name Orders

This grid depends on the first Reaction Parameters grid, and displays the compounds affecting each reaction with their order. This grid is organized in columns as explained below:
  • The Component column displays the list of compounds of each selected reaction in the Reaction Parameters - Initial Estimates [Rate Units] grid.
  • The Order Min column is used to enter a minimum value for the order.
  • The Order column is used to enter the initial estimate of the Order value.
  • The Order Max column is used to enter a maximum value for the order.
Note:You may run Solver → CheckModel to verify that the bounds have been entered correctly.

Top of Topic

LHHW Sites

The LHHW Sites tab is used to add bounds on the parameters of the LHHW Sites. This tab is shown when one or more Sites defined in the Chemistry → Kinetics → Parameters are assigned to one or more reactions in Chemistry → Kinetics → Kinetics Sites node.

Grid Views


Site Name: Terms

Site Name - Term Name: Orders


This grid displays the list of LHHW sites and their properties.The grid is read-only and it is organized in columns as explained below:
  • The Site column displays the list of all Sites of the Project.
  • The Constant column displays the constant of each Site. See the documentation for the Sites grid in the Chemistry section.

Site Name: Terms

This grid displays the list of terms for the site selected in the first (LHHW Sites) grid. It is organized in columns as explained below:
  • The Term column displays the list of terms of each selected Site in the LHHW Site grid.
  • The PreExponential Min column is used to enter a minimum value for the PreExponential value.
  • The PreExponential column is used to enter the initial estimate for the PreExponential value, that will be the initial guess for the estimation run. By default, the initial values are the same as those entered in the Chemistry Node.
  • The PreExponential Max column is used to enter e maximum value for the PreExponential.
  • The Energy Term Min column is used to enter a minimum value for the Energy Term.
  • The Energy column is used to enter the initial estimate of the Energy Term.
  • The Energy Term Max column is used to enter a maximum value for the Energy Term.

Site Name - Term Name: Orders

This grid depends on the selected site in the LHHW sites grid and the selected term in the Terms grid. For each site-term pair, this grid displays the compounds with their orders. The grid is organized in columns as explained below:
  • The Component column displays the list of compounds grid.
  • The Order Min column is used to enter a minimum value for the order.
  • The Order column is used to enter the estimated Order value.
  • The Order Max column is used to enter a maximum value for the order.

Note:You may run Solver → CheckModel to verify that the bounds have been entered correctly.

Top of Topic


This tab is only shown when the Estimate Stoichiometric Coefficients action is enabled in Estimation node.

Grid Views


Stoichiometry: Reaction Name


This grid displays the list of included Reactions in the project.

Stoichiometry: Reaction Name

Here, you may enter bounds for the stoichiometric coefficients. By default all bounds are closed.
It is organized in columns as described below:
  • The Compound column displays all compounds involved in the stoichiometry of the selected reaction.
  • The Coefficient Min column is used to enter a minimum value for the stoichiometric coefficient.
  • The Coefficient column is used to enter the initial estimate for the estimation run.
  • The Coefficient Max column is used to enter the maximum value for the stoichiometric coefficient.

Top of Topic


Initialize Mass Action Bounds

Initialize LHHW Sites Bounds

Initialize Stoichiometry Bounds

Quick Run

Open Solver

Initialize Mass Action Bounds

Initialize Bounds is used to fill automatically the kinetic parameters and/or order bounds. It has two sub-actions:

Current Values
With this option you can autofill the minimum and maximum values with the current values

By Percent of Current
This action is used to enter the bounds as percentage of the current values. On executing Initialize Bounds → By Percent of Current, a Parameters Dialog appears, requesting additional information:
  1. Select the desired variable (All, PreExponential, Activation Energy, Orders) from the list of variables.
  2. Select the lower limit number and the upper limit number as a percentage of the current.
  3. Click OK, and the bound of the selected variable will be filled.

Initialize LHHW Sites Bounds

Initialize Bounds is used to fill automatically the parameter bounds for the LHHW Sites. It has the same sub-actions as in Initialize Mass Action Bounds.

Initialize Stoichiometry Bounds

Initialize Bounds is used to fill the bounds for the Stoichiometric Coefficients. It has the same sub-actions as Initialize Mass Action Bounds.

Top of Topic

See Also: